Case Study: Service Company

Optimize your workflow, create value and develop revenue. With Kitchen Manager ® you can lower costs and create more work opportunities.

Case Study: Service Company with 10 employees, whereof 8 technicians.

Managing ca 4000 malfunction reports per year, of which 1000 from customers using Kitchen Manager ®. The rest is moreover partially used with Kitchen Manager’s tools for internal administration.

No physical paper sheets 4 000 * 3 kr 12 000 kr
Reporting a malfunction

(calculated average 6 minutes at 400 kt/tim). Compared with taking a report over the phone versus Kitchen Manager ®

1 000 * 70 kr 70 000 kr
Creating a work order manually (Noting information about the customer, equipment, error etc.) 3 000 * 3’


* 400/hour

200 hours

= 60 000 kr

Setting prices and adding spare parts in the work order 4 000 * 7’

4 000*7/60 =


466 timmar

= 186 400 kr

Sum of yearly savings (thanks to lower costs)   328 400 kr


Increased work opportunities


The eliminations of work orders on paper sheets creates more time to:

·           Planering och av förebyggande periodiskt underhåll

·           Snabb och effektiv uppföljning av utfört arbetet tack vare Kitchen Manager ® databas och statistik.

3 000 * 3’

3 000*3/60

* 590/hour

88 500 kr